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Who Does Your Child See? – By The Nature Nurse


Take a closer look at the image below! What do you make out of it?

Shot of pretty young mother kissing her baby  while having fun with father at home.

It is glaring that the man is actually responsible for lifting both the wife and the child , he is practically the one going through the pain,  enduring the pain , he is the one who has put in all efforts to lift his wife and child ..

But look closely again, Who does the child See? He or she only sees the Mother who is obviously giving him or her a kiss….

So it seems the child gets to see the love of the Mother but doesn’t see the efforts or pains of his or her Father… The child probably doesn’t even recognize the father is the reason he was lifted in the first place…

WOMEN!!! WOMEN!!!! WOMEN!!!! It’s OUR turn today oooo!

To those of us who are blessed to have a man who goes out of his way to provide for children, who ensures that things in the home are in order, who doesn’t even have to wait for you to bring in money before he plays his part – in fact he doesn’t even care about your money,  who toil so hard just to provide for the family, who sometimes deprives himself of sleep,   DO YOU make your children see or understand the efforts their Dad put in to provide for them?

Are you just comfortable with your kids seeing just you without caring to look the Dads way?

Even though you as a woman happen to be the one shouldering most of the responsibilities in the home while the man is not able to do as much as he should due to certain circumstances beyond his control, DO YOU TURN YOUR CHILDREN AGAINST THEIR DAD?

If you are a wife and you are guilty of any of this, then YOU HAVE SOME CONFESSIONS TO MAKE!!!!

Wives, you have a responsibility to always help your kids recognise and appreciate their dad’s efforts no matter how little he contributes to take care of the home…

In most cases when kids grow up they always give credit Moms while Dads are relegated to the background..

Please these men deserve to be GENUINELY APPRECIATED… The world we live in is already hard as it is, making a living or even providing for the family is not easy at all…. At least women who work can attest to this. Being A MAN is not easy…

Do not Let your children see your love alone, do not let your children Appreciate you all alone , You can teach them to Appreciate their father too …

Your husband gives you money to pay school fees for the kids, gives you money to go shopping with them, gives you money to cook, pays the house rent and what have you. Perhaps due to his busy schedule, you are the one seen taking them shopping, paying fees, etc…

When they tell you “Mommy Thank You” Do you also tell them ” Go thank your Daddy too?, he made this possible. Even if you use your money to do some of these things at certain times, let them learn to appreciate their father…

Sad to say, some women are actually responsible for how some kids see their fathers today…

When there is a misunderstanding or problem in the home, do you make the children your ally to revolt against their father? Do you report their Fathers to them?

Problems with your husband is with your husband… NEVER, I repeat, NEVER be the reason your child or children learn to disrespect their Father or talk down on him or love him less…

Fact is, no matter what happens between a husband and a wife, the Man still remains the Father of the kids and should not be deprived of their love…..

So even if you have smart kids who may actually understand when there is a problem or observe  their dad’s inadequacies, help them understand it is not a reason to dislike him …Let them know that he deserves to be respected as the man of the house and also as their father …

When the Good Old Book says; Children be obedient to your parents (FATHER AND MOTHER) or respect them, it didn’t say respect or obey ONLY PERFECT PARENTS

So whether a man has weaknesses or not, let your kids understand that they owe him that respect. They still need to listen to him and obey him as long as he isn’t telling them to do anything contrary to the scriptural PRINCIPLES…

Wives remember, that the Good Book says Children should obey their parents, That It May Go Well with Them…

If you’re a believer Take note, if your kids respect and obey you but disrespect or disobey their Father or worst still treat him badly, they would be disobeying the Almighty and probably incurring curses…

As they grow much older YES they will obviously see certain things for themselves…

But the point here is, please WOMEN, WIVES do not be the reason your children disrespect or show no love towards their Father. Be careful what you say to them, and Help them Appreciate their Fathers.

To the MEN who go out of their way to provide for their families, go through the pain and all kinds of discomfort in a bid to provide for the home, despite the critical time we live in, I SAY KUDOS!!!!! You all deserve the Accolade…

Your reward would come…

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