
Meet Princess Vivian Michael, The Elegant Women Leader, Atiku Presidential View



Princess Vivian Funmilayo Michael


Princess vian Funmilayo Michael is an established real estate manager,

spanning interest in management, property development among other

issues.In this no-holds-bar interview with Emeka Monye, She speaks about

herself and her decision to pitch tent with the Presidential candidate

of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Abubakar Atiku in the 2019

presidential election


Let’s get to meet you. I mean, tell us about yourself.


I am Princess Vivian Funmilayo Senami Michael from Eti-Osa Local

Government of Lagos State and a mother of 2 boys and a girl and the

National Women Leader of the Atiku Presidential View.


You are the Woman Leader of the Atiku Presidential View, (APV) What

informed your choice of Atiku to be the President of this country.


Our choice for His Excellency, Atiku Abubakar to be the President of

this great country, Nigeria stemmed from the fact that the APC

government has failed us in its entirety as a purposeful government and

Atiku we know has a good track record being a former Vice President who

knows it all and can restructure the country to its former glory.


Are you confident Atiku will defeat the incumbent, President Buhari?


Of course, I am one hundred per cent confident that our man, HE Atiku

Abubakar will definitely defeat the incumbent President If INEC conduct

a free and fair election and the security personnels do not interfere in

the election as witnessed in Ekiti, Atiku will beat Buhari hands down.


You spoke so confidently of victory for Atiku, what gives you this



Yes. We are Nigerians. Home and abroad, it’s a global village where

within 1 minute news go viral. When Buhari took over in 2015, his from

80 per cent  made a down turn to 38 per cent in  2016 below average.

Even the market woman, the grass root people have seen and felt the

dismal performance of this government and are ready to change the

change. You cannot say you are fighting corruption and shut down the

economy.  The people of Nigeria are fed up with this government, there

have been unmitigated hunger in the land, there is unemployment,

graduates are unemployed, insecurity in the land, deaths everywhere,

several months of unpaid salaries, undergraduates are not in schools,

lecturers are on strike for months,  people have become suicidal as a

result of poverty, industries have shut down, cost of foods have

skyrocketed, investors have disappeared, records showed that 87 per cent

of Nigerians live in extreme poverty yet Buhari recently told us we

should be prepared to endure hard times.  People are displaced as a

result of insurgency in the North East. We do not need to preach too

hard or too long for the ordinary citizen to understand this, hence

their desire to ensure that Atiku is elected President come 2019.


As the National Women Leader of the group, how are you going to mobilize

support for Atiku?


We are the first set of Support group to register ATIKU PRESIDENTIAL

VIEW in Abuja and as we speak we are virtually in all the States of the

Federation, to be precise 32 Statess including the FCT. The National

Coordinator of the group, Mr. Chris Sodje has travelled all the 32

States inaugurating APV in these States.


We have executives in all the States  that we are present as well as in

all the local governments.


Ours is a grass root mobilization of women and youths through road

shows, matches, seminars, meetings, door to door.  We have commenced

these especially in Lagos State where our women are working assiduously

Women are feeling the brunt of the failure of this government more than

anybody else and are ready to change this change from the feelings we

are getting on ground and we have told them the danger of mortgaging

their lives and their children lives for selling their PVC for the

paltry sum of N10,000 per market women. We have sensitize them on how

their PVC can define the power on the election outcome and they

understand it now.


OK, how many people should we be expecting in terms of mobilization for

former Vice President Abubakar Atiku.


Records show that about 67 million Nigerians registered for 2015

elections but only 28 million of them voted in the Presidential

election. Because Nigerians have suffered enough and have been educated

of the power to effect an outcome of the election, I am so confident

this number will multiply considerably. We are also sensitizing and

educating the electorates on voter apathy.


What critical areas will Atiku be addressing should he become the

President of Nigeria.


Atiku himself had said that he is “not a man to make grandiose promise

but a man of policies”.


Paramount is Security: Tackle the insecurity that has pervaded this

country in the last four years


Improve the Economy: Transform Nigeria in a dynamic economy


Eradicate Unemployment: Make industries running again


Education: Improve Education


Corruption: Reduce corruption


Health indices: Will be tackled.


National Gender Policy: Will uphold the National Gender Policy by trying

to reach the 35% bench mark of women and youth participation in

governance or exceed the target as South Africa, Mozambique, Uganda and

Rwanda has 56% which is the highest in the world.


Will try to improve our ranking which is 118th of 192 countries.


Why should Nigerians entrust their future on Atiku?


Being privileged to have met and know Atiku and his domestic staff,

swimming pool guy, maintenance staff, cleaners, gatemen, drivers,

electrician not a single ill word about this man from his staff. He is a

man that does not play to the gallery like his friends would say; he is

a very nice man, a man of his words, a kind and generous person, a

phillantrophist, a non-triballistic  individual.


He is a man Nigerians should trust and rely on because he is a man with

impeccable record, he is well grounded and his role as Vice President

his become a reference point. And above all because he believes

education is a tool that  can transform a man to success and bring him

out of poverty.  A good example is the son of his driver whom he gave

scholarship to study at his American University in Yola. I have the

opportunity of meeting his staff on daily basis and knows how he has

transformed the lives of staff, junior and senior long before he came

into politics. He is a man who is ready to transform the lives of

Nigerians for the best.


How confident are you of victory at the polls?


Hmmmmm we will do our best to monitor the elections on our own part.  We

can be confident if INEC is neutral, conducts a free and fair election

and the military personnel do not intimidate voters nor interfere with

elections. These aside, we are confident that our principal will come

out top.


Most people believe that politics is dirty, especially in this part of

the world, to what extent is the game dirty?


Obviously the perquisites of office that come with political position in

this country is extremely attractive. When we compare remunerations

attached to these offices compared to other countries of the world,

Nigeria’s rank first. A  Nigerian parliamentarian earns N14.25 million

per month while majority of Nigerians earn $2.00 per day! This is why it

has become a do or die affair.  It is therefore frighteningly dangerous

to the extent of threatening or killing their opponents. This also is

affecting our democracy as those who want to play a humble honest and

straight games are frightened out.


Do you think Nigeria has made progress since 1999 when democracy came

into focus?


Of course, Nigeria has made a lot of progress except in the last four

years. The government of PDP from 1999 made great progress when our

debts of $32 billion with Paris Club and London Club was cleared.


Privatisation of many state companies that brought in $7.7billion, Non

oil Sector grew . Nigeria External Reserve rose to $41billion.

Institutions to fight corruptions were set up.  EFCC, ICPC etc.,

Universities were built, school were built, hospitals were built and

equipped. Etc. Immigration Services were improved, Foreign Investments

improved and stands at $4b. etc.


Any message for the voting public.


My message is not ensure that their PVC is a passport to selecting their

own Leader. For every single vote in this election matters a great deal.

To avoid this suffering under APC, we must vote Atiku Abubakar to be

our President in 2019.  Do not sell your Voter’s Card as APC has been

going out giving cash for PVC.  They should exercise their right because

it is a government for the people by the people and your voting will

determine the outcome of the election. We need to change the change and

make Nigeria working again.


Do you foresee crisis in the 2019 General Election?


There has never been a violence-free elections in Nigeria. The refusal

of the President to sign the Electoral Bill is a bad omen. This is a

Bill intended to aid the smooth and credible election.


INEC must act fairly and security personnel should not interfere during

the polls. The President must act if he means well for Nigeria.


Inclosing, I will say all of us in the ATIKU PRESIDENTIAL VIEW are

working with the agility of a horse!


And William Shakespeare said “ It is not in the starts to hold our

destiny but in ourselves.”

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