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Tips On How To Protect Your Toilet From Snakes – By The Nature Nurse

The Sad Incident making the News of a lady who died due to a snake bite right from her toilet has instilled fear in the minds of many…

Aside Fumigating with chemicals, there are a few things we can still do to prevent such sad occurrence… I will share with us some tips…

Before I do, please take note: SALT has NO EFFECT on SNAKES!!! Snakes are not Slimy so no amount of salt can keep them away….

SNAKES CAN NOT SURVIVE IN YOUR SOAKAWAY, Neither do they stay there…

When it is hot and dry, snakes will look for water and the toilet bowl is the ultimate watering hole. It also serves as a comfortable place for them…

However they can only get into a toilet through a Sewer Vent or an opening in the Sewer or a broken pipe/Chamber

Sewers can be a hiding ground for mice and rats and other rodents and Snakes feed on Rat and Mice, in fact it is a balanced diet for them.

So if Sewers have Mice and Rats in them, or other rodents, it definitely will attract Snakes as they will enter the sewer to get their next meal. (Snakes sef dey hustle for food)

They can also get in through Cracked or Broken Plumbing Pipes ..

So I will say the first step should be in attacking the cause and that includes the following suggestions I have come up with;

  • Sewer Vents opening can be covered with a mesh that way it prevents the entry of any rodent or organism. I want to believe this is possible…
  • Cracked or Broken Pipes should be repaired or changed …
  • Septic Tanks should be well closed and there should be no cracks, breakage or hole…
  • Everyone should try as much as possible to get rid of Rats or Mice in their homes….
  • Avoid piles of leaves, or Gaps in foundations as they can also attract Snakes …
  • We can also use Natural things that can help serve as a repellant…

I will suggest pouring White Vinegar in your toilet after use and covering until your next use.. I came up with this suggestion because based on my research, I discovered that the smell and Fumes from Vinegar Irritates Snakes…

If possible also get Clove and Cinnamon oil, mix it with Lime and Peppermint oil or leave extract…  Snakes do not like the smell of these items…. Add it to your toilet alongside the vinegar after each use and make sure your toilet is covered until your next use…

You can also use it as a fumigant indoors via a diffuser…

These are just my humble suggestions which I believe will be of GREAT HELP…

If you have benefited from this please kindly share this post with others….


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