
Oriental News 2024 Summit: Muda Yusuf Spearheads Deliberations on Nigeria’s Pathway to Green Economy Transition

The 2024 Oriental News Summit is set to take place on July 25, 2024, at the Radisson Blue GRA Ikeja, Lagos, with Dr. Muda Yusuf, CEO of the Center For The Promotion of Private Enterprise (CPPE), leading the deliberations as the chairman of the conference.

The event, themed “Green Economy, Sustainable Growth and Infrastructure Transformation,” will focus on Nigeria’s transition to a green economy and its pathway to sustainable growth.

Dr. Yusuf, a renowned economist, will spearhead discussions on policy direction towards economic recovery and sustainable growth.

Other notable speakers, such as Abba Abubakar Aliyu, Acting MD/CEO of the Rural Electrification Agency (REA), and Dr. Emomotimi Agama, DG of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), will also join in.

The conference will explore critical topics including green finance, renewable energy, and digital economy entrepreneurship, with the aim of promoting sustainable economic growth and development in Nigeria.

The event promises to be a valuable platform for stakeholders to share ideas and strategies for achieving a green economy and sustainable growth in Nigeria.

As Nigeria continues to navigate its economic challenges, the need for a transition to a green economy has become increasingly important.

The conference will provide a unique opportunity for policymakers, business leaders, and experts to come together and chart a path towards a more sustainable future for the country.

Dr. Yusuf’s leadership and expertise in economic matters will undoubtedly provide valuable insights and direction for the conference.

His participation, along with other notable speakers, promises to make the event a success and a significant step towards achieving a green economy and sustainable growth in Nigeria.

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