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Embracing Consequences – By Nature Nurse

When you pray for sun, you’ve got to deal with the heat.

When you pray for rain, you’ve got to deal with the mud.

Presently it is raining in my location. As much as I am happy the rain is here to at least ease off the heat, I just don’t want to imagine the muddy water, puddles and sticky quagmires that will be seen in some areas, practically making it difficult for one to walk.

When you pray for harmattan, you’ve got to deal with the cold.

When you pray for a child, you’ve got to deal with the challenges of motherhood and by extension the challenge of parenting…

I have got three kids and I can tell you for free that it is not an easy job.

These are just some examples which shows that what we desire and even pray for might come true but along with it, consequences or challenges.

This highlights the importance of being careful about what we pray for, what we desire or what we do.

Also, when some of us wish that it rains or that harmattan season sets in, we already know that we will have to deal with the mud, the dust, the cold. Therefore, we prepare ourselves to cope with the situation…

Before you pray for that thing you so desire, before you take any action, take time to consider the potential outcome of your actions or desire and be prepared to deal with the consequences that may arise.

Even though we may have to deal with mud, heat, cold or challenges of parenting as shown in the examples above, we still show ourselves thankful, grateful to God for granting our heart desires whether or not it comes with its own challenges.

So when you face a challenge, or going through a really difficult time, never let that make you lose sight of the blessings you have received from God. Always remain grateful…  YES! Count your blessings for there will always be something to thank God for.

Let this serve as a reminder that our desires and prayers may come true, but they often bring unforeseen consequences. It calls for resilience, adaptability, balance, and a grateful attitude as we navigate the challenges that accompany our aspirations.

May we enjoy the rest of the day…

©️Helen Omotayo



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