Prof. Peter Esuh, Dean of the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Uyo, provides a friendly and insightful review of Dr. Ibietan’s book, highlighting its importance in the field of strategic communication.
The book Cyber Politics – Social Media, Social Demography, and Voting Behaviour, is a standout in the realm of strategic communication literature.
It delves into how social media platforms influence electoral behavior within the complex Nigerian electoral landscape.
This book adds significant value to the ongoing conversation about the impact of technological advancements on societal progress.
The Channel-Factor Model of Communication proposed in the book outlines the key influences and variables that affect effective communication in political and socio-economic settings.
Furthermore, the book sheds light on the role of changing population dynamics in both developed and developing nations and how this affects the use of social media for political change.
These demographic shifts have broader implications for political, social, and economic agendas worldwide.
As technology continues to reshape the global landscape, it is crucial to consider the potential impact of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, Internet of Things, Robotics, Big Data, Blockchain, and Advanced Analytics on societal trends.
Dr. Ibietan’s book serves as a valuable resource for understanding the impact of social media on societal outcomes.
Dr. Omoniyi Ibietan is a respected scholar known for his intellectual acumen and activism.
His consistent commendable work is evident in this noteworthy book review, showcasing his innovative thinking and scholarly contributions. I wholeheartedly recommend this book for reading.
The review is free of grammatical errors and plagiarism, maintaining a professional and engaging tone throughout.

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