The only value you get is money, however, this value of nursing is also its pitfall.
More than 70% of African women who take nursing as a career would be divorced but would not tell you this aspect of the profession…their divorce rate is that high.
Many factors are responsible for such high divorced rate; you can do the research by yourself as I don’t want to delve into it here…
Suffice to say that a high percentage of immigrant women who are from Nigeria and do nursing end up divorcing their husbands and many are now with their 2nd or 3rd husbands.
And for Nigerian men relocating with their families to UK, US or Canada… don’t allow your wives to do nursing; it shifts the family dynamics and the balance of authority in your union. those who defied this warning in the past are now licking their wounds… don’t.
The profession is like a cult and as soon as she is initiated into the cult, things can never remain the same with your union, except maybe you want to become what Yorubas call “gbewu dani” husbands… don’t say you were not warned.
There is teaching, social works, pharmacy assistants, dental assistance, pharmacist or dentist but not nursing.
There is, however, a minuscule percentage of home where wives are nurses and the union is still subsisting, usually, the man of that house has eaten the humble pie and accepted his fate because it is too late in the game to make amends.
In such homes, there is usually a role reversal; the woman has taken the driver seat and the man is just now the co-pilot.
If you watch very closely, in such homes, the nurse wife is usually the decision maker even though outwardly, they continue to spine it as though the man is still in charge. he is usually emasculated and accepts his fate for peace to reign.
Men, you have been warned!
They will call you names…”insecure, chauvinist, etc; at the end of the day, your sanity is what matters.
**Peter Omonua resides in Canada
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