I Do Not Know How Else To Emphasize This…
Dear Mothers, Your Healthy Babies Do Not Need Any Routine Drugs.
Their Organs are still very Tender to start bombarding them with Toxic Substances in the Name of Drugs…
A Newborn’s Liver is not fully Developed. It is not set to begin the Process of Detoxification…
Full Maturity Of The liver of a baby takes up to 2 years after birth
Why do you have Your Breastmilk? What other Antibiotics, Vitamins, can match that contained in your Breastmilk?
Why Rely on Drugs for Protection when You have Your Breastmilk?
The ONLY EXCEPTION to giving a baby drugs, is if the Baby is Sick…
But as long as Your Baby doesn’t have a condition, there is no need for Abidec, Augmentin, Amoxil, as well as other Antibiotics, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and many more….
If Any Health Professional be it a Doctor, Nurse, or Midwife recommends such for a newborn who is Healthy, Question that person and Refuse it…
Did You Know That Pharmacotherapy is a Cause of Acute Kidney Injury which occurs in Some Babies?
Classification of drugs responsible for this include Anti Microbials such as Antibiotics,
Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs such as ibuprofen..
Some doctors will be quick to tell you how herbs can cause kidney damage but will NEVER tell you that lots of drugs they prescribe can actually predispose one to kidney damage….
Dear Mothers Help Save the Kidneys And Livers of Our Dear Little Ones ….
Health Professionals, Nurses and Midwives like me, Doctors, Please STOP THIS PRACTICE!!!
I am on a Mission to Exposing That Which You Won’t Be Told, That Which May Have Been Hidden From You…
Stick Around For More Vital Information…. If you have benefited from this, feel free to share this post with others so they can benefit as well…
Your Health Is Always My Concern and Priority…
I remain The Nature Nurse
©️ Helen Omotayo
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