
Fidelity Bank Assures Customers of Unwavering Commitment to Data Privacy and Corporate Integrity

Fidelity Bank Plc, a leading financial institution in Nigeria, has reaffirmed its commitment to upholding the highest level of ethical standards in all dealings with customer data.

This assurance comes amid allegations by the Nigerian Data Protection Agency (NDPA) against the bank relating to a data breach.

In a statement signed by Dr. Meksley Nwagboh, Divisional Head, Brand & Communications, Fidelity Bank maintained that it has conducted its services with the highest ethical standards by ensuring full compliance with extant laws on data protection.

The bank provided a detailed breakdown of its dealings with the NDPC since receiving a letter about the alleged data breach.

Fidelity Bank explained that it received a notice of investigation from the NDPC on April 30th, 2023, regarding a complaint about an account opened without the customer’s consent.

The bank conducted an internal investigation and discovered that the account was not operational due to incomplete documentation. The account was placed on “Post No Debit” status and eventually closed.

The bank responded to the NDPC on May 2nd, 2023, stating that there was no data breach and that the account opening process was not completed.

Despite providing evidence and explanations, the NDPC imposed a penalty on the bank.

Fidelity Bank commenced another round of engagements with the NDPC, convinced that it had not breached any extant law or regulation.

Fidelity Bank assured its customers of its unwavering commitment to upholding the highest level of ethical standards in all dealings with customer data.

The bank has a history of strong corporate governance standards, earning it local and international recognition, including the prestigious CG+ award.

Fidelity Bank remains in discussions with the NDPC over an amicable resolution to this matter.

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