
Maritime Security: Nigerian Navy Applauds NIMASA’s Efforts in Implementing National and International Laws

By Barnabas Esiet.

Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla, the Chief of the Naval Staff, has praised the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) for its dedication to implementing national and international regulations to enhance safety and security in the maritime sector.

During a recent visit to NIMASA, Vice Admiral Ogalla commended the Agency for its commitment to upholding both national and international laws aimed at improving safety and security in the maritime domain.

He emphasized the Nigerian Navy’s support for NIMASA in achieving sustainable security in Nigeria’s maritime space.

“I want to express my gratitude to NIMASA for collaborating with the Nigerian Navy to enhance security in the maritime domain, creating a conducive environment for business growth and boosting the maritime industry’s contribution to the Gross Domestic Product,” Vice Admiral Ogalla stated.

He also praised NIMASA for its implementation of the Cabotage Act and the C4i center of the Deep Blue Project, highlighting the importance of these initiatives in enhancing maritime security.

Dr. Dayo Mobereola, the Director General of NIMASA, acknowledged the Nigerian Navy’s crucial role in supporting the Agency’s mandates over the years.

He assured the Navy of NIMASA’s continued support, emphasizing the mutual benefits of their collaboration.

“Your visit today underscores your commitment to the NIMASA/Nigerian Navy partnership.

The Nigerian Navy has been instrumental in NIMASA’s progress, and together, we have achieved a zero piracy status in recent times,” Dr. Mobereola stated.

He also welcomed the Navy’s proposal to review the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the two entities, emphasizing the need for a more effective partnership to sustain Nigeria’s maritime security achievements.

The recent expansion of Nigeria’s Exclusive Economic Zone by 20 nautical miles was also highlighted as a call for increased responsibility for both the Nigerian Navy and NIMASA in ensuring maritime security.

Overall, the collaboration between the Nigerian Navy and NIMASA is crucial in safeguarding Nigeria’s maritime domain and attracting foreign investments to the country.

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